Cole's Christmas Wish Read online

Page 20

  Until then, she’d enjoy...well, them.

  “Yes, please,” she said. “First, though, let me go find those Christmas bows.”

  * * *

  The Foster house was packed with more people than Rachel had ever seen within its walls. In addition to the six Fosters she knew and loved, there were an additional ten in residence. Paul Foster’s brother’s family and their families were here from Portland, Oregon, celebrating the holidays.

  She’d been introduced to everyone: John and his wife, Karen, their three sons and their families, which included Grady, his wife, Olivia, and their adorably cute four-month-old son, Levi; Jace and his wife, Melanie; and finally, Seth, his fiancée, Rebecca, and their beyond beautiful five-month-old daughter, Grace.

  Everyone was very nice and very excited to be in Colorado for Christmas. Over dinner, Rachel had learned a little about each of the couples, and could honestly say she liked them all. She probably had the most in common with Olivia, as they’d had similar upbringings, but she found Melanie and Rebecca to be lovely, interesting and intelligent women.

  Frankly, if they lived closer together, she was fairly sure she’d become close friends with all three of the women. It was the men, though, that really took Rachel’s breath away. Holy cow, the Foster genes created some seriously sexy men.

  Heck, it was obvious they were all related. All tall, all with the same lean, muscular builds, and for five of the six, the same shade of hair and eyes. Which was a little odd, seeing how Paul’s brother had vivid blue, not brown, eyes, but she figured the brown was just hiding in the Oregon patriarch’s DNA.

  And even Dylan, with his lighter hair and green eyes, resembled the others enough that there was no mistaking him for anything but a Foster. Well, Haley, too, for that matter.

  Rachel sighed and sat down in the nearest empty chair. Sinful, really, how one family had produced so many beautiful, sexy offspring.

  “You look overwhelmed,” said Olivia, taking the chair next to her. She had an almost-asleep Levi cradled against her shoulder. “We can be a lot, until you get to know us all.”

  “Oh, I’m not overwhelmed at all. I’m just—” Rachel shrugged “—really happy.”

  “Christmas is a good day for happy.” Olivia smiled as one of Levi’s plump fists came up to grab a chunk of her long, dark hair. “He likes having something to hold on to when he’s falling asleep,” she explained. “If I’m holding him, it’s my hair. If Grady is, it’s his shirt.”

  Everything inside Rachel softened as she looked at the baby. “He’s just gorgeous.”

  Olivia’s smile widened. “Thank you. We think so.”

  Soon, Melanie joined them, complaining—though Rachel didn’t think she was all that serious, due to the sparkle in her light brown eyes—about how her husband, Jace, had just lost her a game of Uno by announcing all the cards she’d had in her hand.

  Rachel laughed. “What? Why did he do that?”

  “Oh, he didn’t mean to. He was trying to advise me on strategy.” She shook her head and tossed an indulgent look toward the man in question, who was ambling toward them. “Because he believes he’s the Uno king.”

  Jace plopped himself down on the arm of Melanie’s chair. “I am the Uno king. And if you’d just listened to me, you could’ve won that game.”

  The two fell into a bit of friendly squabbling. In another few minutes, Seth and Rebecca pulled two other chairs up to the group, and then Dylan, Reid and Haley—holding baby Grace, who was also asleep—did the same. And Rachel could not have been happier.

  This was family. Right here. God, she loved it.

  Everyone chatted about this and that. She tried to keep up with the various topics, laughed here and there, but for the most part, remained quiet and...happy.

  After a while, she started missing her Foster man. She glanced around, looking for him. Nope. Not one Cole Foster to be seen. Maybe he was in the kitchen. She started to rise to a stand, intent on locating him, when Jace tugged her arm hard enough she fell back into her chair.

  “Where are you going, Rachel?” he asked with a friendly grin. “Can’t leave now, not when we’re talking about...uh—” he glanced at his wife “—what were we talking about?”

  “You’re a dork,” she said half under her breath. “We were just saying how much we loved skiing the other day. It really is beautiful here!”

  “Yes, beautiful!” chimed Olivia. Then, seeing her husband, she said, “Grady, come here and tell Rachel how much we’re loving our trip so far.”

  Ah. They seemed a little too enthusiastic. She glanced at Reid, hoping he might offer some illumination, but all he did was shrug and smile. And Dylan was too busy tugging on his sister’s hair to be of any help.

  “Actually, I just wanted to find Cole,” Rachel said, trying to stand again.

  Jace pulled her down. Again. “Uh. You can’t. You have to sit here,” he said with a spark of desperation. “We just met you. We’ll be going back to Oregon in a few days, so—”

  “What my simple-headed husband is trying to say,” Melanie said, elbowing Jace in his side, “is we won’t have much time to get to know you. Who knows when we’ll be out here again?”

  “Just stay,” Haley inserted. “Talk to us for a while.”

  Seth and Rebecca murmured similar sentiments.

  Grady strolled over, grinned at Rachel. “Is my brother picking on you?”

  Rachel blinked. This was becoming beyond odd. “A little. Do you know where Cole is?”

  “Oh, he’ll be out here momentarily, I believe,” Grady said, moving to stand behind Olivia’s chair. He rested his hand on his son’s head. “No reason to go in search of him.”

  And then, all at once, the remaining Fosters—minus Cole—streamed into the already crowded room, finding spots to sit or stand in. She glanced around again, saw that everyone was either looking at her or toward the other end of the room, and she knew that something was up.

  And unless Rachel was mistaken, Cole was at the center of it.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, focusing on Margaret Foster. Cole’s mom smiled sweetly in return, but didn’t offer an explanation.

  “You’ll see,” Haley said, which earned her a smack on the back of her head from Dylan.

  “They’re waiting for me to give you this,” Cole said, his deep voice entering the fray. “And they’ve been darn impatient about it. Family,” he said with a grin, “can drive a man nuts.”

  Rachel’s heart went to her throat. She whipped her vision to him. He was carrying a large, rectangular box—far too big to be a ring box—and was coming toward her with that sexy smile she adored. “We already exchanged presents,” she said, stating the obvious.

  “I had one more for you, but it was here for safekeeping.” He placed the box in front of her, looked for a place to sit and finding none, said, “Geez, guys. Thanks for saving me a chair.”

  “You’re young enough to sit on the floor and still be able to stand up,” his father said.

  Cole shrugged, grinned at Rachel and dropped to the floor. “Go on, Rach. Open the present. This is the one I’ve been waiting all day to give you. And,” he said with a wink, “you don’t know what this gift is, because you weren’t with me when I bought it.”

  Well, doh. Even though Rachel knew this was not what it first seemed, her heart pounded in her chest fast and hard, and goose bumps were sprouting on her arms.

  With a shaking hand, she started to pick off
the tape on the corner of the box. Various members of the Foster families called out for her to “just rip the paper off,” so with a last questioning look at Cole, who nodded his agreement, she did.

  She tore a long sheet right from the front of the box, blinked, shook her head and blinked again, staring in disbelief. “Really, Cole?” Laughter burbled in her throat. What was she going to do with this man? “A vacuum cleaner. You bought me a freaking vacuum cleaner?”

  “Rachel,” he said, his voice urgent and intense. “Look at me.”

  The trembling grew stronger. The shivers increased. Her goose bumps spread to every inch of her body. She looked.

  Cole was on one knee holding a small, black velvet jewelry box in his hand. With his other, he shoved the vacuum cleaner out of the way. “Rachel,” he said again, his eyes meeting and holding hers, “will you do me the honor of—” the very air in the room seemed to still in anticipation “—vacuuming my rugs for...the rest of our lives?”

  The tears started then. She didn’t care, didn’t try to stop them. They rolled down her cheeks, dripping off her chin. “Idiot,” she whispered, her voice shaking. “You just had to go and prove to me that even a vacuum cleaner can be a romantic gift, didn’t you?”

  “Did I?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “And will you?” he asked. “You haven’t answered my first question yet.”

  She wasn’t letting him get off that easy. “Will I...what?”

  “Will you, Rachel Merriday, marry me?”

  “Yes. I will marry you, Cole Foster.” She blinked to clear her vision, which immediately filled with fresh tears. He reached for her left hand, grasped her wrist. Oh, wow. This was really happening. But, “Let me make one thing clear—you’ll do all the vacuuming in our home.”

  He didn’t respond, just opened the jeweler’s box. And there...there it was, the beautiful, perfect ring she’d been dreaming of ever since she’d seen it on her finger before. That had only been temporary, though. Nothing but pretend.

  Sliding the exquisite ring on her finger, Cole let out a deep, satisfied breath. “There. Now my Christmas wish has come true.”

  And this...well, this was delightfully, wonderfully, beautifully real.

  The entire room of Fosters burst into cheers, offering congratulations and laughter.

  “This is forever,” Rachel said. “And that’s a—”

  “Fact,” Cole said before drawing her into his arms for a long, lusty kiss.

  Yes, Rachel thought, this was forever. She would love this man every single minute of every single day for the rest of her life. Forever friends.

  And thankfully, so much more than that.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt of Real Vintage Maverick by Marie Ferrarella!

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  Chapter One

  It happened too quickly for him to even think about it.

  One minute, in a moment of exasperated desperation—because he hadn’t yet bought a gift for Caroline’s birthday—Cody found himself walking into the refurbished antique store that had, up until a few months ago, been called The Tattered Saddle.

  The next minute, he was hurrying across the room and managed—just in time—to catch the young woman who was tumbling off a ladder.

  Before he knew it, his arms were filled with the soft curves of the same young woman.

  She smelled of lavender and vanilla, nudging forth a sliver of a memory he couldn’t quite catch hold of.

  That was the way Cody remembered it when he later looked back on the way his life had taken a dramatic turn toward the better that fateful morning.

  When he’d initially walked by the store’s show window, Cody had automatically looked in. The shop appeared to be in a state of semi-chaos, but it still looked a great deal more promising than when that crazy old coot Jasper Fowler ran it.

  Cody vaguely recalled hearing that the man hadn’t really been interested in making any sort of a go of the shop. The whole place had actually just been a front for a money-laundering enterprise. At any rate, the antique shop had been shut down and boarded up in January, relegated to collecting even more dust than it had displayed when its doors had been open to the public.

  What had caught his eye was the notice Under new ownership in the window and the store’s name—The Tattered Saddle—had been crossed out. But at the moment, there was no new name to take its place. He had wondered if that was an oversight or a ploy to draw curious customers into the shop.

  Well, if it was under new ownership, maybe that meant that there was new old merchandise to choose from. And that, in turn, might enable him to find something for his sister here. As he recalled, Caroline was into old things. Things that other people thought of as junk and wanted to discard, his sister saw potential and promise in.

  At least it was worth a shot, Cody told himself. He had tried the doorknob and found that it gave under his hand. Turning it, he had walked in.

  Glancing around, his eyes were instantly drawn to the tall, willowy figure on the other side of the room. She was wearing a long, denim-colored skirt and her shirt was more or less the same color. The young woman was precariously perched on the top step of a ladder that appeared to be none too steady.

  What actually caught his attention was not that she looked like an accident waiting to happen as she stretched her taut frame out, trying to reach something that was on a higher shelf, but that with her long, straight brown hair hanging loose about her back and shoulders, for just an instant, she reminded him of Renee.

  A feeling of déjà vu seized him and for a moment, his breath caught in his throat.

  Balancing herself on tiptoes, Catherine Clifton, the former Tattered Saddle’s determined new owner, automatically turned around when she heard the little bell over the front door ring. She hadn’t anticipated any customers coming in until the store’s grand reopening. That wasn’t for a couple more days at the very least. Most likely a couple of weeks. And only if she could come up with a new name for the place.

  “We’re not open for business yet,” Catherine called out.

  The next thing out of her mouth was an involuntary shriek because she’d lost her footing on the ladder and both she and the ladder were heading for a collision with the wooden floor.

  The ladder landed with a clatter.

  Catherine, fortunately, did not.

  She was saved from what could have been a very bruising fate by the very person she’d just politely banished from the premises.

  Landing in the cowboy’s strong, capable arms knocked the air out of her and, along with it, anything else she might have said at that moment.

  Which was just as well because she would have hated coming across like some blithering idiot. But right now, not a single coherent thought completed itself in her head. It was filled with just scattered words and a myriad of sensations.

  Hot sensations.

  Everything had faded into the background and Catherine was instantly and acutely aware of the man
whose arms she’d landed in. The broad-shouldered, green-eyed, sandy-haired cowboy held her as if she weighed no more than a small child. The muscles on his bare arms didn’t even appear to be straining.

  A tingling sensation danced through Catherine’s entire body, which was stubbornly heating up despite all of her attempts to bank the sensation—and her reaction to the man—down.

  Her valiant efforts to the contrary, for just a moment, it felt as if time had stood still, freezing this moment as it simultaneously bathed her in a heretofore never experienced, all but debilitating, feeling of desire. For two cents proper, using the excuse that this rugged-looking cowboy had saved her, she would have kissed him. With feeling.

  Catherine could absolutely visualize herself kissing him.

  The fact that he was a complete stranger was neither here nor there as far as she was concerned. Desire, she discovered at that moment, didn’t have to make sense. It could thrive very well without even so much as a lick of sense to it.

  And for no particular reason at all, it occurred to her that this man looked like the real deal. A cowboy. A real vintage cowboy.

  Was he? Or had she managed to bump her head without knowing it and was just hallucinating?

  Their eyes met and held for a timeless instance. Only the pounding of Catherine’s heart finally managed to sufficiently rouse her.

  “Thank you,” she finally whispered.

  Doing his best to focus and gather his exceedingly scattered wits about him, Cody heard himself asking, “For what?”

  Catherine let out a long, shaky breath before answering. “For catching me.”

  “Oh.” Of course that was what she meant. What did he think she meant? Cody nodded his head. “Yeah. Right.”

  The words emerged one at a time, each containing a sealed thought. Thoughts he couldn’t begin to convey, or even understand.

  Cody cleared his throat, then realized that he was still holding the woman in his arms. He should have already released her.